
Food and Wine

Savor the flavors of Sicily with our food and wine tours

Street Food

Street Food

Indulge in Sicily’s vibrant culinary culture through its street food delights. From arancini, savory rice balls, to panelle, chickpea fritters, the island’s streets offer a tantalizing array of local flavors.

Savor the authenticity of Sicilian cuisine as you explore its bustling markets and quaint corners.

Sicily Uncorked

Embark on a journey of the senses with our Sicily Uncorked tour. Traverse lush vineyards, where centuries-old grape varieties are cultivated to produce exceptional wines.

Immerse yourself in the world of winemaking, from vine to bottle, and enjoy tastings of renowned varietals, all while surrounded by the stunning Sicilian landscape.

Sicily Uncorked

Cooking Classes

Cooking Classes

Unlock the secrets of Sicilian gastronomy with our immersive cooking classes. Guided by expert chefs, you’ll learn to create traditional dishes using the freshest local ingredients.

From perfecting pasta to mastering cannoli, these hands-on classes promise an unforgettable culinary education steeped in Sicilian heritage.

Maiorchino Cheese Tasting

Indulge in the rich flavors of Maiorchino cheese, a celebrated Sicilian delight. Delve into the history of cheese production in the region and discover the craftsmanship that goes into every wheel.

Experience the distinct textures and aromas during an exclusive tasting session that showcases the artistry of Sicilian cheese-making.

Maiorchino Cheese


Corleone Pasta


Pasta Factory

Journey to the heart of pasta craftsmanship at the Corleone Pasta Factory. Witness the meticulous process of crafting pasta from semolina to shape, following age-old traditions.

Gain insights into the regional variations of pasta and savor a delectable meal featuring the very creations you’ve observed being made.

Mt. Etna Wine Tasting and Food Tour

Savor the harmonious marriage of Sicilian wine and cuisine against the backdrop of the majestic Mount Etna. Traverse terraced vineyards that thrive on volcanic soil, producing wines with unparalleled character. As you enjoy wine tastings and gourmet pairings, you’ll be captivated by the awe-inspiring vistas that surround you.

Wine Tasting and

Food Tour

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